How should I help my father with his prostate cancer diagnosis? Jessica Spiegel June 15, 2017

How should I help my father with his prostate cancer diagnosis?

closeup of a young caucasian doctor man wearing a white coat using a tablet computer

Summus provides access, within days, to leading physicians to address questions across all specialties and medical conditions. This case study provides a roadmap for leveraging specialist expertise by walking through how Michael and his father leveraged the Summus network to help them decide on the best treatment plan for his father’s prostate cancer.


“My dad was recently diagnosed with prostate cancer and is leaning towards surgery. What are the risks and benefits of electing surgery over radiation?”

— Michael, Los Angeles, California


“My father, who lives across the country, was recently diagnosed with prostate cancer. He is very happy with his current care team but would like an objective viewpoint from a top-notch third party to become as educated as possible about his options. He is leaning towards surgery, but what are risks and benefits of beginning with radiation first, especially if the cancer recurs?”

Michael’s Summus Experience

Day 1 — Summus MD

Two hours after contacting Summus, Michael’s Summus MD led an intake call to gain a deeper understanding of his dad’s diagnosis, identify medical records to collect, and frame his set of questions.

Day 2 — Specialist Match

Michael’s Summus MD identified a leading expert in urology who specializes in the specific treatment options they were considering.

Day 5 — Expert Consultation

Michael and his dad engaged in a 60-minute video consultation. Armed with questions to ask from their Summus MD, they developed a full understanding of the diagnosis and the best treatment option for him based on his staging and PSA levels.


“From different cities, we had an hour-long video consultation with a renowned urologist, who is among the nation’s top surgeons performing the procedure recommended for my dad. Our specialist was compassionate and addressed our concerns through a data-driven approach. The insights we received were indispensable to my father’s treatment and our decision to proceed with robotic surgery.”