[Member Story] A Personal Journey: Monitoring for Prostate Cancer Summus March 28, 2024

[Member Story] A Personal Journey: Monitoring for Prostate Cancer

Member story: Monitoring for prostate cancer recurrence

Cancer is a daunting and deeply personal experience. From the initial diagnosis, individuals navigate a complex terrain of decisions, and ongoing monitoring. In this blog, we share how Summus provided fast access to a leading specialist to alleviate anxiety about the potential recurrence of cancer.

Health Concern

Connor was diagnosed with prostate cancer a few years ago and underwent a number of treatments. He has continued to monitor his prostate specific antigen (PSA) level, which remained steady for about a year. His most recent blood test revealed an elevated PSA. Worried that his cancer may have recurred or that it spread to other parts of his body, he wanted to know what medical tests he should pursue and contacted Summus for guidance.

Learn more about Summus oncology solutions

Member Impact

Summus quickly connected Connor with Dr. Judd, Moul, Director of Duke Cancer Center at Duke University School of Medicine. Dr. Moul assuaged Connor’s concerns, reassuring him that an increase in his PSA was not necessarily indicative of cancer. He encouraged Connor to continue to monitor his levels before seeking additional testing and helped him understand PSA ranges and what actions to take based on the results of his blood tests.