[Member Story] An Informed Decision: Opting Out of Surgery Summus November 20, 2023

[Member Story] An Informed Decision: Opting Out of Surgery

Man on nature walk with his dog, recently diagnosed with a testicular tumor.

In this blog, we share the story of Summus member, Eric. Eric’s story demonstrates how education and guidance can change the trajectory of a health journey. 

Health concern

Eric has a diagnosis of a non-cancerous tumor on his testis. His treating physician scheduled him for surgery. Concerned that he didn’t fully understand all his treatment options and reluctant about surgery, Eric reached out to Summus. 

Member impact

Eric was quickly connected with Dr. Colleen Tenan, Summus MD, who recommended he meet with a urologist specializing in testicular tumors. Within days, Summus connected Eric with Siamak Daneshmand, MD, Director of Urologic Oncology at Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California. Summus quickly collected all the relevant scans, images, and medical records for Dr. Daneshmand’s review. During their video consultation, Dr. Daneshmand shared why he didn’t think surgery was the most effective option. Dr. Daneshmand provided education and guidance about Eric’s options, and recommended ongoing monitoring and ultrasounds every few months. The consultation completely changed Eric’s approach for treatment of his tumor.

“Dr. Daneshmand was so helpful. After speaking with him, I’m now all set in understanding next steps with this diagnosis. Many thanks to Summus for your help in setting up this consultation.”

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